Dear All:
上海世博会期间, 上海港将对进出、转运及过境的危险品进行严格的限制, YML总公司决定在2010年3月30日--2010年10月31日期间暂停接受如下危险货物在上海港的进出、转运及过境(洋山除外):
A) Class 1 -Explosives
B) Class 5.2 -Organic Peroxide
C) Class 6.1 -Toxic substances (including sub risk 6.1) (most likely for specific virulent materials only, would advise the acceptable items of Class 6.1 if receiving updated confirmation from local authority)
D) Class 7 -Radioactive material
E) Hydrogen Peroxide
UN1511/Class5.1(8),UN2014/Class5.1(8), UN2015/Class5.1(8), UN2984/Class5.1,UN3149/Class5.1(8)
F) Acetone
UN1090/Class3, UN1091/Class3, UN1541/Class6.1
G) Sulfuric Acid
UN1786/Class8(6.1), UN1830/Class8, UN1831/Class8(6.1), UN1832/Class8,UN2796/Class8
H) Nitric Acid
UN1796/Class8, UN1826/Class8, UN2031/Class8, UN2032/Class8(5.1/6.1)
I) Hydrochloric Acid
UN1789/Class8, UN1798/Class8
J) Any DG shipments which contain the above mentioned chemical names( from item E to I )
如果有进一步更新, 将及时通知!