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http://www.jctrans.com/ 2017-09-14

导读: 天津淼森三和港口服务有限公司总经理

Bensen Lu, Male, 37 years old, chairman of the board for Qingdao Miaosen Sanhe Port Service Co,. Ltd, Tianjin Miaosen Sanhe Port Service Co,. Ltd, and Qingdao Miaosen Sanhe Port Station International Logistics Co,. Ltd.

His commitment and responsibility made him a representative northern man. What he most concerned was not about the bill, but the safety of the goods in the container. Since 2002, Lu’s enterprises focused on port services in Qingdao and Tianjin, for instance, container loading and unloading, palletizing and wrapping, and container securing. He earned professional reputation and praise from customers. For fourteen years, he committed to set the industry standards for port service, and to ensure the safety of each shipment received. With his young team and their passion, they will grow and boost Chinese shipping industry to another level.
