Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) announced the certification of its own seafarer education and training programme by Oslo-based Det Norske Veritas (DNV), according to Exim News Service. The MOL Rank Skill Training and Evaluation Program (MOL RankSTEP) received DNV certification for compliance with the Competence Management System (CMS) on April 13. CMS is a management system that improves education programmes by identifying gaps between the skills seafarers currently possess and the qualifications needed to fulfil the corporate philosophy. The programme also complies with Society of International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operator Ltd (SIGTTO) and Tanker Officer Training Standard (TOTS) requirements. MOL adopted the MOL RankSTEP Program in 2007. The introduction of CMS will help MOL identify problems after determining gaps between skills required of seafarers in previous programmes and those currently needed, ensuring ongoing improvement of MOL RankSTEP. MOL RankSTEP establishes seafarer skill requirements by position, which unifies skills to be acquired, acquisition methods, and evaluation methods for different types of jobs. |