Belgian Base For New Automotive Logistics Enterprise


Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) (Tokyo) and Höegh Autoliners AS (Oslo) have set up a 50/50 joint venture in Europe, integrating the existing European short sea and logistics activities of both shareholders and of Euro Marine Carrier BV. The new venture, named Euro Marine Logistics NV (EML), was registered in March 2011 and has its offices in Meise (Brussels), Belgium and will specialise short sea freight movements, specifically cars.

EML is a common carrier and started trading in the second week of June. From the third quarter 2011, EML will operate 13 vessels in European waters, which MOL and Höegh will immediately put it into the top three vehicle short sea operators in Europe. The EML fleet consists of small (750 cars), medium (1500 cars) and large (>3000 cars) vessels and benefits from the support and the backup of the parent companies deep sea services when using common ports or routes.

EML already operates an extensive service network in the Mediterranean, Continental Europe, UK and the Baltic and the two parent companies say that by consolidating the activities and knowledge of the companies into a new entity they have formed what they term as 'a first class European short sea company'.

Source: handyshippingguide

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