APL revenues rise in August


APL's revenues per container and volumes both increased in the ninth period of the year compared to the eighth.

The Singaporean shipping line said between 22 August and 19 September it handled 205,700feu (40 ft equivalent unit), compared to 192,800feu between 25 July and 21 August.

Period 9 volumes were also up 1% year-on-year.

Meanwhile, average revenues per feu increased from US$2,189 in period eight to $2,247 in period nine.

However, this was still down on last year when revenues per feu were at $3,151.

APL said: "The increase in volume was mainly due to higher volumes lifted in several trade lanes."

"Lower average revenue per feu was due to lower core freight rates and lower bunker recovery."

Source: ifw-net
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