Air cargo future success tied up in e-technology and open skies
Source:transportweekly 2014-5-15 9:39:00
Air cargo has to embrace technology in order to compete with ocean carriers which "have got their act together", said IATA director general Tony Tyler, former CEO of Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Airways, according to Shipping Gazette.
Despite air freight's speed it still takes over a week to reach destination which could be solved by e-cargo to cut out the delays at customs, he said, according to Atlanta area Air Cargo World.
The transition to e-freight has been propelled by integrators which control freight information end-to-end but the move still requires "patience, commitment and fortitude" to get freight forwarders on board.
Mr Tyler said that cargo alliances lag behind those created by passenger airlines. This situation is unlikely to change due to the fierce competition between cargo lines, which are not seen traditionally as "comfortable partners".
The hot topic of freighters' demise was downplayed by Mr Tyler who believes that "there will always be a place for freighters" despite a shrinking market share.
"In a massive market where you've got a lot freight moving, there will be no more efficient way," he added.
Mr Tyler spoke of an industry getting closer to "liberalisation" in open skies, but believes much more can be done to handle ownership as has been done in the telecomm and banking sectors.
"It's a pretty crazy industry where ownership rules are so restrictive," he said.
He championed the aviation industry's work on carbon-neutral growth and reduction of its carbon emissions which now accounts for two per cent of global manmade emissions, adding: "There isn't another industry in the world that's done this."